30 janeiro 2012

17 janeiro 2012

You and I are equal

You and I are equal.
You and I are different.
You and I are the same.

14 janeiro 2012

12 janeiro 2012

Everybody gets told to write about what they know. The trouble with many of us is that at the earlier stages of life we think we know everything — or to put it more usefully, we are often unaware of the scope and structure of our ignorance.
Thomas Pynchon

11 janeiro 2012

Start anywhere

You will never have enough time
or training
or money
or whatever comes to your mind...
to feel like you are ready to start.

Courage is having no idea
HOW it will work out,
but having complete faith that it will.

09 janeiro 2012


Sossegamos ao crepúsculo
Escrevendo a café e silêncio,
O temor e a surpresa,
A aceitação da eternidade,
Os instantes sem distância,
Depois de nós e de todos e o mar, sem horizonte,
Dormindo sobre as palavras,
Dançando sobre o amor,
Rindo sobre o calor despertado, que irrompe
E se desfaz,
Todos os dias,
Finito, como nós.

Daniel Costa-Lourenço

01 janeiro 2012

Nineteen Minutes

“So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him, you swallowed him whole. Love was substance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.”
Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes