24 abril 2006

Make the connection

“The whole idea of connection fascinates me. No doubt we’re all more digitally and fiber-optically linked then ever before, but we’re apparently losing our real connections.
I’ve seen it coming for a while – haven’t you? You can’t get through dinner or walk down the street without pulling out a cell phone. I often wonder, Who in the world is everybody talking to?
Just recently, I watched a mother talking and laughing with her cell phone in one hand – and with the other, dragging her crying 3-year-old, whose coat had gotten stuck in the door. Major disconnect!!!
Notice the next time you’re giving your friend, mate, child, or coworker less than your full self. I’ll bet it happens more often than you’re aware. Our lives are busier, faster – and we’re moving further away from our centre.
I know for sure that the way to feel connected in all relationships is to stay attuned to the Source, which I believe is the energy that vibrates through all life. You should never get too far from what is really meaningful before losing connection with yourself and everybody else. And when you’ve lost that, no internet or cell phone connection can bring it back.
Breathe consciously.
Pay attention.
Treasure every moment.
Make the connection.”

Oprah Winfrey in “What I know for sure - The Oprah Magazine”

Esta mulher fascina-me: não pela imensa fama e dinheiro que tem, mas pela forma como os conseguiu: lutando, vindo “do nada”.
E apesar de ter tudo o que tem, consegue ser humilde, consegue procurar os outros, os que necessitam dela, onde quer que estejam…
O mundo seria bem melhor se houvesse mais pessoas a pensar como Oprah Winfrey..

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