“(…) From very early childhood we have been distracted from the body, we have been taken away from the body. The child is crying because he is hungry and the mother is looking at the clock because the doctor says that only after three hours is the child to be given milk. She is not looking at the child. The child is the real clock to look at, but she goes on looking at the clock. The child is crying and asking for food, and the child needs food right now. If he is not given food right now she will distract him from the body. Instead of giving him food the mother gives him a toy. She is giving something false, plastic, and she’s trying to distract and destroy her child’s sensitivity to his body. The wisdom of the body is not allowed to have its say; the mind enters in instead. The child is silenced and falls asleep. Now the clock says three hours are over and she has to give the milk to the child. But now the child is fast asleep, and his body is sleeping; she wakes him up, because the doctor says the milk has to be given now. Again she destroys the baby’s rhythm. Slowly, slowly, she disturbs his whole being. He does not know what his body wants – he does not know whether his body wants to eat or not. Everything is manipulated by something from the outside.(…)”
Osho in “Body Mind Balancing – Using Your Mind to Heal Your Body”
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